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7 Easy Ways You Can Manifest Money Today

Writer's picture: The Art Of ManifestThe Art Of Manifest

Updated: Oct 11, 2020

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Today I will break down 7 ways to manifest money using the Law Of Attraction.

I've Learned some of these methods from the Book "The Secret"

and from other books.

I learned all of these ways and I put together the 7 most powerful ways to manifest, creating and attracting Money, Wealth and Abundance into my life and you can do this Instantly as long as you have the right alignment.

1. Having a 3D Vision Board (learned from The Secret)

What does having a 3d vision board mean? Its when you actually have items and outcome in a place where you can actually feel it.

To give you an idea for a 3d vision board for money is to actually have a stash of money or other valuable stuff you own on your desk, around your house or on a physical vision board.

Put the Money around your house constantly reminding you what your goals are and what your attracting.

You may not have much cash but it doesn't matter. Take what you have and put it around your house, so wherever you go you can see real 3D money. Not just a picture of it, but actual real money.

2. Surround Yourself With Wealth Vibrations (Wealthy People)

They have this saying "Your Network Equals Your Net Worth"

And the reason behind that works besides being able to learn from these people. Everybody whos actually wealthy holds a Wealth Vibrational Frequency.

If you understand that all of us are energy. Then if you hang around with someone who is very wealthy you can actually matching up with their energies and vibrations.

Just by surrounding yourself your thinking, belief, and actions will start to change very naturally.

Find some people, a circle of people who actually have money.

3. Manifestation Magic

Manifestation Magic (affilate link inculded)

Manifestation Magic is an online course that provides you with many tools to manifest money.MP3's, Videos, E-Books, and much more value.I absolutely love this product and it helped me manifest money on the first day!

After simply watching the first few videos and reading a bit of the first ebook I was able to manifest New Shoes (Nike Air Forces) and 50$! Which were bost received as presents from family that live very far away from me (I'm talking different continent away from me). I highly recommend you checking Manifestation Magic out.They have a free 40-minute course for everyone!It's just 47$ if you want the full program (believe me it was worth it, I got the money back almost instantly.)

(or the banner bellow this)

4. Financial Education

Allow the Laws of attraction work for you even better (for manifesting money) is to get yourself the right financial education.

Be sure to get this education from someone who actually making money because you want to learn the things that actually work.

By educating yourself financially from people who actually have money you strengthen your belief system so that you know it is possible.

When your belief system is built and you have more trust to believe you can actually do it then your vibrational frequency is much more positive and it will amplify your manifesting much stronger.

I recommend this book that helped me to understand this more and helped my belief system a lot.

5. Reprogram Your Mind With Success Affirmations

Write down affirmations like "I deserve to get earn more money" or "I will receive more money this month"

You can also join my mail list to receive Affirmations a couple of times a week (no spam)

You can join by

1. Refreshing the page and signing up using the popover.

2. Scroll all the way down and use the form.

6. Visualize As If You Already Have It

Practice Visualization.

Every Morning Visualize you already succeeding in what you want, as if you already have the money, where would you go? , what would you buy?

And most importantly, How Do You Feel?

When you ask this to yourself your emotional frequency goes up and emotion is Energy In Motion and it fires up this frequency to the Universe.

The Universe will deliver what you want much faster.

More Emotion = Faster Manifestation.

7. IPA (Income Producing Activities)

Get yourself doing Income Producing Activities.

Where focus goes, energy flows and results show.

If you channel your mind onto keep focusing every moment on these activities, it will channel your mind on finding different ways to make money and therefore that will expand.

8. Inner Dialog

Be aware of your internal Dialog.

The biggest problem is that some peoples internal dialog is:

"I'm really broke right now", "why am I really broke", " I don't have the money right now".

You need to instantly shift that and you can do it by "Pattern Inturpt",

so by disrupting your own thinking path by using a curse word or something funny, your mind will remember for the next time and it will help you dismiss these problematic thoughts that only attract the opposite of what you want.

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