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The 12 Jungian Archetypes And Which One You Are

Writer's picture: The Art Of ManifestThe Art Of Manifest

Updated: Oct 11, 2020

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12 Archetypes have appeared in stories and myths all around the world since the beginning of everything.

These 12 archetypes have been defined by Carl Jung.

The term "archetype" means Original Pattern in ancient Greek.

The root words are archein, which means "original or old"; and typos, which means "pattern, model or type"

Carl Jung used the idea of archetypes in his own theory of human psychology and psyche.

He found that there are 12 Universal archetypes inside of all of us, they reside within our collective unconscious.

Each archetype drives our desires and goals, as well as symbolize basic human motivations.

We continue to tell stories about them because these archetypes resonate with us strongly.

Additionally, they are always used in about every best selling novel and movies.

Each archetype has a different set of values, personality traits, and its own meanings.

Some people may be more than one archetype, a mix. But one archetype is always more dominant than the other.

In order to gain insight into our behaviors and motives, we much first understand our archetypes.

Also, the twelve types are divided into three sets of four:

- Ego

- Soul

- Self

The archetypes in each set have a common driving source/motive, for example, types within the Self-set are a drive to fulfill self-defined agendas.

The 4 Cardinal Orientations

The 4 cardinal orientations that the archetypes are seeking to realize are:

Ego – Leave a Mark on the World

Order – Provide Structure to the World

Social – Connect to others

Freedom – Yearn for Paradise

The 12 Archetypes in Explained Detail:

Detailed Description of Desires, Fears, and Talents of each of the 12 Archetypes:

The Ego Types

1. The Innocent

Those who identify with the innocent archetype are occasionally criticized for being naïve dreamers. However, their positive outlook and happy-go-lucky personalities can uplift others. The innocent continually tries to see the right in the world and looks for the silver lining in each situation.

Motto: Free to be you and me

Core desire: to get to paradise

Goal: to be happy

Greatest fear: to be punished for doing something bad or wrong

Strategy: to do things right

Weakness: boring for all their naive innocence

Talent: faith and optimism

The Innocent is also known as: Utopian, traditionalist, naive, mystic, saint, romantic, dreamer.

2. The Everyman

The Everyman archetype represents those who are dependable, down to earth realists. Some people would possibly describe them as a little pessimistic at times.

The orphan is usually looking out for belonging in the world and might also be a part of many organizations and communities to discover the place they in shape in.

Motto: All men and women are created equal

Core Desire: connecting with others

Goal: to belong

Greatest fear: to be left out or to stand out from the crowd

Strategy: develop ordinary solid virtues, be down to earth, the common touch

Weakness: losing one’s own self in an effort to blend in or for the sake of superficial relationships

Talent: realism, empathy, lack of pretense

The Everyman is also known as: The good old boy, regular guy/girl, the person next door, the realist, the working stiff, the solid citizen, the good neighbor, the silent majority.

3. The Hero

The hero thrives on being strong and standing up for others.

They may sense they have a destiny that they need to accomplish.

Heroes are brave in their quest for justice and equality and will stand up to even the most powerful forces if they think they are wrong.

Motto: Where there’s a will, there’s a way

Core desire: to prove one’s worth through courageous acts

Goal: expert mastery in a way that improves the world

Greatest fear: weakness, vulnerability, being a “chicken”

Strategy: to be as strong and competent as possible

Weakness: arrogance, always needing another battle to fight

Talent: competence and courage

The Hero is also known as: The warrior, crusader, rescuer, superhero, the soldier, dragon slayer, the winner and the team player.

The Caregiver

Those who identify with the caregiver archetypes are full of empathy and compassion. Unfortunately, others can take advantage of their good nature for their personal ends. Caregivers ought to pay attention to looking after themselves and getting to know to say no to others’ needs sometimes.

Motto: Love your neighbor as yourself

Core desire: to protect and care for others

Goal: to help others

Greatest fear: selfishness and ingratitude

Strategy: doing things for others

Weakness: martyrdom and being exploited

Talent: compassion, generosity

The Caregiver is also known as: The Saint, altruist, parent, helper, supporter.

The Soul Types

5. The Explorer

The explorer is by no means completely happy until experiencing new things.

They may additionally enjoy traveling to many countries or they may also be glad gaining knowledge of new thoughts and philosophies.

However, they find it difficult to settle down at one job or relationship for too long, unless the job or relationship lets them maintain their freedom to explore.

Motto: Don’t fence me in

Core desire: the freedom to find out who you are through exploring the world

Goal: to experience a better, more authentic, more fulfilling life

Biggest fear: getting trapped, conformity, and inner emptiness

Strategy: journey, seeking out and experiencing new things, escape from boredom

Weakness: aimless wandering, becoming a misfit

Talent: autonomy, ambition, being true to one’s soul

The explorer is also known as: The seeker, iconoclast, wanderer, individualist, pilgrim.

6. The Rebel

When the Rebel sees something in the world that isn’t working, they look to change it.

Rebels like to do everything differently.

However, every so often rebels can abandon perfectly good traditions simply because they have a wish for reform.

Rebels can be charismatic and without difficulty motivate others to follow them in their pursuit of rebellion.

Motto: Rules are made to be broken

Core desire: revenge or revolution

Goal: to overturn what isn’t working

Greatest fear: to be powerless or ineffectual

Strategy: disrupt, destroy, or shock

Weakness: crossing over to the dark side, crime

Talent: outrageousness, radical freedom

The Outlaw is also known as: The rebel, revolutionary, wild man, the misfit, or iconoclast.

7. The Lover

The lover seeks harmony in every single thing they do.

They find it difficult to deal with conflict and may additionally discover it hard to stand up for their personal ideas and beliefs in the face of extra assertive types.

Motto: You’re the only one

Core desire: intimacy and experience

Goal: being in a relationship with the people, work and surroundings they love

Greatest fear: being alone, a wallflower, unwanted, unloved

Strategy: to become more and more physically and emotionally attractive

Weakness: outward-directed desire to please others at risk of losing own identity

Talent: passion, gratitude, appreciation, and commitment

The Lover is also known as: The partner, friend, intimate, enthusiast, sensualist, spouse, team-builder.

8. The Creator/Artist

The creator is born to convey something into being that does not yet exist. They hate to be passive shoppers of anything, much preferring to make their very own entertainment. Creators are mostly artists or musicians even though they can be found in almost any place of work.

Motto: If you can imagine it, it can be done

Core desire: to create things of enduring value

Goal: to realize a vision

Greatest fear: mediocre vision or execution

Strategy: develop artistic control and skill

Task: to create culture, express own vision

Weakness: perfectionism, bad solutions

Talent: creativity and imagination

The Creator is also known as: The artist, inventor, innovator, musician, writer or dreamer.

The Self Types

9. The Jester

The jester loves to liven up a party with humor and tricks, however, they have a deep soul. They prefer to make others blissful and can often use humor to change people’s perceptions. Sometimes, however, the jester uses humor to cowl his or her personal pain.

Motto: You only live once

Core desire: to live in the moment with full enjoyment

Goal: to have a great time and lighten up the world

Greatest fear: being bored or boring others

Strategy: play, make jokes, be funny

Weakness: frivolity, wasting time

Talent: joy

The Jester is also known as: The fool, trickster, joker, practical joker or comedian.

10. The Sage

The sage values ideas above all else. However, they can on occasion turn out to be frustrated at not being capable to comprehend everything about the world. Sages are excellent listeners and usually have the capability to make difficult ideas effortless for others to understand. They can often be found in instructing roles.

Motto: The truth will set you free

Core desire: to find the truth.

Goal: to use intelligence and analysis to understand the world.

Biggest fear: being duped, misled—or ignorance.

Strategy: seeking out information and knowledge; self-reflection and understanding thought processes.

Weakness: can study details forever and never act.

Talent: wisdom, intelligence.

The Sage is also known as: The expert, scholar, detective, advisor, thinker, philosopher, academic, researcher, thinker, planner, professional, mentor, teacher, contemplative.

11. The Magician

The magician is usually very charismatic. They have a true belief in their ideas and desire to share them with others. They are often in a position to see things in a definitely unique way to different personality types and can use these perceptions to deliver transformative thoughts and philosophies to the world.

Motto: I make things happen.

Core desire: understanding the fundamental laws of the universe

Goal: to make dreams come true

Greatest fear: unintended negative consequences

Strategy: develop a vision and live by it

Weakness: becoming manipulative

Talent: finding win-win solutions

The Magician is also known as: The visionary, catalyst, inventor, charismatic leader, shaman, healer, medicine man.

12. The Ruler

The ruler loves to be in control. They often have a clear idea of what will work in a given situation. They trust they know what is best for a group or community and can get annoyed if others don’t share their vision. However, they typically have the interests of others at heart even if on occasion their actions are misguided.

Motto: Power isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.

Core desire: control

Goal: create a prosperous, successful family or community

Strategy: exercise power

Greatest fear: chaos, being overthrown

Weakness: being authoritarian, unable to delegate

Talent: responsibility, leadership

The Ruler is also known as: The boss, leader, aristocrat, king, queen, politician, role model, manager or administrator .

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